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Hardware Specifications

Vendor/Brand Sercomm
Model FGS202
Chipset Lantiq PEB98036
Flash 8 MB
System eCos
Optics SC/APC
IP address
Web Gui No
Telnet ✅ user admin, password admin
Serial No
Form Factor miniONT SFP
Sercomm FGS202
Sercomm FGS202
Sercomm FGS202 teardown
Sercomm FGS202 teardown

Telnet Access

The stick has telned opened only on WAN side, only way to access it is thru an OLT

List of software versions

  • SCOMFGS202305 (TIM Italy)
  • SCOMFGS202304 (TIM Italy)

GPON ONU status

Get the operational status of the ONU

# show gpon

LOS Times       :0
Connect Time    :0 day 2 hour 29 min
TX POWER        :2.97mW 4.73dBm
RX POWER        :35.29uW -14.46dBm
tcont_idx       alloc_id        reg_egress_port pre_egress_port
0               256             0               127
8               0               127             63
gem_port_id     gem_port_index  tx_frames       tx_bytes        rx_frames       rx_ bytes
0               255             408             19584           365             17520
145             1               44087           15072176        0               0
4095            0               0               0               83591           20759980

Querying a particular OMCI ME

# show me [cla_id][ins_id]
# show me 7
Class ID    = 7 (Software image)
Instance ID = 0
Upload      = yes
Alarms      = -
 0 Version                      14b STR  R------P---
   0x53 0x43 0x4f 0x4d 0x46 0x47 0x53 0x32 0x30 0x32 0x33 0x30 0x34 0x00
 1 Is committed                  1b UINT R----------
   0x00 (0)
 2 Is active                     1b UINT R----------
   0x00 (0)
 3 Is valid                      1b UINT R----------
   0x01 (1)
Class ID    = 7 (Software image)
Instance ID = 1
Upload      = yes
Alarms      = -
 0 Version                      14b STR  R------P---
   0x53 0x43 0x4f 0x4d 0x46 0x47 0x53 0x32 0x30 0x32 0x33 0x30 0x35 0x00
 1 Is committed                  1b UINT R----------
   0x01 (1)
 2 Is active                     1b UINT R----------
   0x01 (1)
 3 Is valid                      1b UINT R----------
   0x01 (1)

GPON/OMCI settings

Setting ONU GPON PLOAM password

# set gpon_password PASSWORD
Set command exectue successfully.

Advanced settings

Show live OMCI messages

# show omci
1970-01-01 02:34:53 ploam us: onu id - 0 / rei
ploam us|00 08 00 00 00 00 9b 00 00 00 00 00
1970-01-01 02:34:53 ploam ds: onu id - 255 / UpstreamOverhead
ploam ds|ff 01 20 00 00 aa ab 59 83 20 00 00
1970-01-01 02:34:53 ploam ds: onu id - 255 / UpstreamOverhead

Hardware Modding

Miscellaneous Links